  Public Ticket #1507879
I want the space between Portfolio Single Page PORTRAIT pic & Sidebar to be much narrower


  •  1
    cburn started the conversation

    Hi, I have changed the orientation of the portfolio single page pics from landscape to portrait because that's the angle the pics were taken. I want the space between the pic and the sidebar to be much narrower like how it looks in landscape view.

    This example is in original landscape view before I add my pics http://dev.thairapysalon280.com/portfolio/laura-lupo/.

    This is after I add my portrait pics. Space between need to be much narrower http://dev.thairapysalon280.com/portfolio/cindy-tucker/.

    All the portfolio pages are like this.

    Am I missing a control to make this happen or does it need some code to fix it?



  •  3,066
    Andrew replied

    Hi Cheryl,

    You need to use some CSS to adjust the layout to best fit your portrait images.
    Use this:

    @media (min-width: 690px){
        .single-portfolio #sidebar{
            width: 50%;
        .single-portfolio .post-area{
        width:50% !important;
    @media only screen and (max-device-width: 1025px) and (min-device-width: 481px) and (orientation: landscape){
        .single-portfolio #sidebar{
            width:45% !important;

    add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.

    Hope this helps.

  •  1
    cburn replied

    Woo-hoo! Perfect! You guys are the best!

    Thanks again