Hi, I have adjusted all of my salient settings, but my navigation text on transparent wont show white. It is still a light gray. Am I missing something?
If you have permanent transparency option enabled then the header starting text color will be used for menu items color. Also the header inherit row color can have an effect on this.
Sorry but the transparency options are not that simple and you will need to check the combination of those options and if still not getting white then give us temporary admin access - username password with admin privileges - we check this from the backend.
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (All custom css provided is tested in the Live Browser so it will work as intended . If you cant see any changes make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as that syntax error would cause all css below it to not show up on the Frontend):
#header-outer.transparent header#top nav > ul > li > a, #header-outer.transparent header#top nav ul #search-btn a span.icon-salient-search, #header-outer.transparent nav > ul > li > a > .sf-sub-indicator [class^="icon-"], #header-outer.transparent nav > ul > li > a > .sf-sub-indicator [class*=" icon-"], #header-outer.transparent .cart-menu .cart-icon-wrap .icon-salient-cart, .ascend #boxed #header-outer.transparent .cart-menu .cart-icon-wrap .icon-salient-cart {
opacity: 1 !important;
Hi, I have adjusted all of my salient settings, but my navigation text on transparent wont show white. It is still a light gray. Am I missing something?
Hi brewerben,
Could you check your transparency option i.e. http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/theme-options/header-navigation/#transparency
If you have permanent transparency option enabled then the header starting text color will be used for menu items color. Also the header inherit row color can have an effect on this.
Sorry but the transparency options are not that simple and you will need to check the combination of those options and if still not getting white then give us temporary admin access - username password with admin privileges - we check this from the backend.
Hey Again,
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (All custom css provided is tested in the Live Browser so it will work as intended . If you cant see any changes make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as that syntax error would cause all css below it to not show up on the Frontend):
ThemeNectar Support Team