  Public Ticket #1510235
portfolio thumbnail sizes


  • mtrmndo started the conversation


    How can I make my thumbnails on my portfolio display in a wide format ratio?

    I'm a filmmaker so want my videos to look like a cinematic ratio. If I select the Photography based grid then the 900x600 dimensions are still not wide enough... If I select the square grid then I have to select the wide option on my portfolio options to get a nice looking 1000x500 dimension ratio which is perfect. However it doubles the size and I can only fit a maximum of two in a row... this is not ideal I'd love that ratio but fit 4 in a row. Is this possible? ...I've seen it on another Salient website here: https://www.connerpro.com/templates/ 

    How can I achieve something similar to this?

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    The Easiest way is to use the Custom Thumbnail Option which does not crop the Image and shows it as is : http://prntscr.com/itqldt .


    ThemeNectar Support Team