  Public Ticket #151512
Nectar slider not working


  • jake started the conversation
    Hello, i just downloaded the newest version of salient and it appears that the nectar slider doesn't work, i followed the video, i also tried to do this via shortcodes and the new page builder and all i get is a huge space and no nectar slider. Please help, great theme by the way haha.
  • jake replied

    So yeah, i'm absolutly doing things right, if you check this link http://shermanpet.com/sample-page/ you'll notice that i can easily get the nectar slider working but for whetever reason it won't work on this page http://shermanpet.com/shop/, need it to work on this page.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Jake!

    Can you supply me with a log in so I can take a look at what's different on your shop page? When you post back just leave a comment on the theme page with the ticket ID in regards so I can check back on this for you asap :)


  •   jake replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Jake - I just logged in and saw that you got the Nectar Slider working on the shop page, what turned out to be your issue?

    Cheers :)

  • Rafal replied

    Hi, so what was the solution? I have a similar problem. Updated to 10. Nectar Slider not displaying on one of the language versions (ENG), where it is pure black area, but displaying correctly on a second language (PL) version. Do I have to purchase support at $42 to find out why the update broke my website??? WP, all plugins are latest versions. Cache cleared. No other ideas… Website: https://stars.com.pl/en/

  •  16
    Jen replied

    I don't seem to even have any nectar or home slider set up options in the back end after the new update. And there's no nectar slider option in the page builder. How do i get this back?

  •  9,063
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Make sure you dont have them turned off in here : http://prntscr.com/mmnitx . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team