  Public Ticket #151514
Nectar Slider stops rotating


  • Alice started the conversation
    Hi, me again :-) I have two questions regarding the Nectar Slider: I was wondering whether it is intended that the Nectar Slider stops to automatically rotate as soon as I click to the next slide? When reloading the page it rotates again. Otherwise it stays on the same slide. Is it possible to make the slider keep going even though the user flicks through the slides manually? Or have I done something wrong? Second question: Is there by any chance some kind of ratio that I can apply to my slide images when using a slider height of 500px and full width Nectar slider to adjust my images so the edges won't get cut off when viewing on iPad or mobile? I've been trying so hard to find a way of anticipating this behaviour but with parallax scrolling it seems unpredictable ;-) Thanks ever so much in advance for your help! *alice.
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Alice!

    1. Open the nectar-slider.js file located in the js folder and delete this line:

    onTouchMove: clearAutoplay,

    2. The images should scale proportionally, but small amounts of clipping is expected. Make sure your images are around 1800px+ wide for best results and have the height match defined slider height.

    Cheers :)