  Public Ticket #152192
Demo Video speed versus my theme


  • Judson started the conversation
    The video for the About section of the Salient Demo loads instantly and is a massive file. Why would a small file on my end make the page load so slowly? How did you get that file to load so quickly?
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Judson,

    the video backgrounds are not waiting for the entire file to finish downloading before playing - they will load and start playing as soon as any bit of it has loaded and the rest will load as the video is playing. I don't see any video background on the URL you've provided but if there's another section you can lead me to i'd be glad to look :)

  • Judson replied

    Sorry, I had removed it due to speed. On our about page you can see it now. www.nivedya.net/about-nivedya/  It just doesn't load nearly as fast as yours.  Is this related to the bit rate you think? I'm somewhere around 800kbps

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again Judson!

    No, that's actually lower than what I used for the demo and your files are much smaller as a result. I encoded at 4000kbps and ended up with files 20mb+ - the difference could simply be your servers performance - I would get in touch with them and ask them if there's anyway to deliver the videos faster. You could also look at a CDN like cloudflare :)


  • Judson replied

    Wow! 4000kbps! Thanks for the advice. I use Cloudflare.  What host are you on? Dreamhost VPS is killing me it is so slow

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    You're welcome :)

    I'm not hosting with Rackspace, but even on my more affordable VPS (togglebox) I didn't have any issues with the speed of loading in videos.
