  Public Ticket #152514
Various Problems


  • SDM started the conversation
    Hello, i have asked you in the comments section as well, so i want a detailed approach if is possible 1) I noticed that in search when i type something it will bring the results for all languages and not those for the language i used that time in the site. But the results are in the language i am at that time i.e. When i type a product in english, the results brings the english product and the greek product (the text i search exists in english and greek description) I want to be able to see only the english product when i am in english. I assume that is an issue with wpml, in searchform.php. For example, put string "WIND" in search 2)Iis it possible to add imdb at the footer as social icon at bottom? I have asked before and i saw your answer (add in footer.php at
      section) but i want to be able to have the hover effect as it is in demo site (with the #27CCC0 color) I add the class, but i dont know how to edit the css correctly. If you can provide me a guide it will be nice. 3.For the "Watch video" effect in portofolio items, is it possible to change the dimensions for the pop up video effect. The videos have not the same dimensions and sometimes the play bar is hidden i did what tou said but nothing happened. (There’s no easy way to make the height dynamic, but you can increase the height of the container to avoid clipping by entering this in your custom css box: body div.dark_rounded iframe { overflow-y: visible!Important; } .pp_content_container { height: 700px!important; } ) I aasume that it is how we upload videos in vimeo, if i am wright. Thanks in advance for your support Great theme, with great capabilities and very good support. Keep up the good work!
  •   SDM replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey SDM - very sorry for the delay! Some tickets reached up to a 4 day wait due to the quick fix release I needed to work on and has now been released but every time a new comment is posted before I respond the tickets gets unintentionally bumped to the bottom of my queue since on my end tickets are sorted from oldest to newest in terms of last comment posted. so the wait became 6 for you - again, my sincerest apologies!


    1. Yes, this is a WPML conflict, but the searchform used in Salient isn't different than one used in one of the default themes like twenty thirteen for example. Can you also raise this to them and see if they can shed some light on possible causes?

    2. If you can provide me the two image sources - one for the hover and default and a login for you site, i'll gladly write the rules for you :)

    3. Try opening the video.php file inside of the includes/portfolio-functions directory and changing this:

    <style> #header-outer { display: none!Important;} </style>

    to this:

    <style> #header-outer { display: none!Important; } .iframe-embed iframe { max-height: 470px!important; } </style>


  •   SDM replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again!

    I've just logged in and added the markup to the footer.php file for you and the css to the custom css box :)


  • Jason replied

    Is it possible to see what markup you added to the footer.php and to the custom css box? I am trying to do EXACTLY the same thing with the IMDB social media icon. Thank you!

  • Jason replied

    Or is there a way to replace the "pinterest" icon with the "imdb" logo?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Jason!

    You'd need to add the image into a new list item in the social list in the footer.php - it would look like this:
