  Public Ticket #152646
Scroll to ID Plugin in Custom Menu


  • Adam started the conversation
    This seems to be a Safari specific issue as I've successfully tested Chome and Firefox. I've installed and configured the Scroll to ID plugin on the site and I can get it to work for same page links (buttons at the top of the page to content sections below), but when implementing it in the menu as a custom link (requiring a page load), it does not perform as expected. In the primary menu, click About>Our Team. The browser strips the URL of the # and anything after it; therefore, it only ever lands at the top of the page. Any insight? Thanks.
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Adam!

    I believe it's because you're entering


    instead of


    into your custom links.

    Cheers :)

  • Adam replied

    Great! That does make it function. However, I set an offset in the plugin settings, but between page loads (for example, from the Home page to About>Horses), it disregards it. It does work perfectly if I'm linking within the page (for example, from About>History to About>Horses). Any ideas as to how I can resolve this?

    Also, I know that the plugin comes with a menu highlight selector class, but I'm not sure how to implement it. When I'm on my Programs page for example, 9 of the program sub menu items are highlighted rather than just the one in the viewport. Do you know how to set up that css properly?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Add this into your custom css box to correct the highlighting:

    html body header#top nav .sf-menu ul li.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h mPS2id-clicked { 
      background-color: #726354!important;
    html body header#top nav .sf-menu ul li.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h {
       background-color: #4e423b!important;


  • [deleted] replied

    I actually have the same problem, it only happens when I am linking from a different page, could you find a solution?

  • Adam replied

    No, I haven't yet. Still hoping for some more assistance to resolve.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Adam, the css snippet I pasted a week ago was supposed to sort it - if you would like me to help more, please allow me to log in so I can play with the css without us having to go back and forth :)


  •   Adam replied privately
  • Adam replied

    FYI: The site is now live and can be found at agaperiding.org. Thanks for your continued support.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Adam!

    I just logged in and corrected the css for the scroll to highlighting and the footer widget. For others interested the fix is:

    html body header#top nav .sf-menu ul li.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h.mPS2id-clicked,
    html body header#top nav .sf-menu ul li.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h:hover 
      background-color: #726354!important;
    html body header#top nav .sf-menu ul li.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h 
       background-color: #4e423b!important;

    ^ you just need to change the background colors to match your own nav :)
