Hi, I am trying to set up a full width portfolio but the imagery on my page isn't resizing properly. It fills the page width but doesn't fill the height properly.
You will see white space underneath the McDonalds and Ringo logos as it seems to have shrunk the Nutella and E.Leclerc logos above. Is there a setting I'm missing to force the height accordingly?
Hi, I am trying to set up a full width portfolio but the imagery on my page isn't resizing properly. It fills the page width but doesn't fill the height properly.
The page I'm working on is: http://bdemo.co.uk/sales-promotions/
You will see white space underneath the McDonalds and Ringo logos as it seems to have shrunk the Nutella and E.Leclerc logos above. Is there a setting I'm missing to force the height accordingly?
many thanks
Hey B,
Make sure to fulfill the Image Sizing Requirements of the Portfolio: http://prntscr.com/j0qp6j .
ThemeNectar Support Team