  Public Ticket #152922
delete old version entirely or just upload over it?


  • Mitch started the conversation
    I've begun a development site with an older version of Salient, and have only made a few customizations in a child theme I have made on top of it. Should I delete all the files in the salient theme folder and upload the new? Or is it okay to just use the uploader and overwrite everything? Also, once I've got the site looking good, I plan on pushing it over from the domain it's being built on, to the target domain it's meant for. How does this work so that ultimately it's licensed on the target, but I need it to work on the dev domain for now? Thank you, Mitch
  •  1,043
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Mitch, sorry for the delay!

    You should always delete the old version instead of overwriting to ensure the update is clean. As for the licensing question - don't worry about it. As long as you're only deploying the theme on one live domain at a time, you have my permission :)


  • Mitch replied

    Thank you. :)