Hi there, thanks for having a ticket submission option and for considering this ticket.
I'm Kathy Reid, I'm the web lead for mycroft.ai, I speak PHP, HTML, Javascript and Linux so you can be very technical in your responses. I have full server root access and am happy to help diagnose and debug.
Our objective is to use Salient (we are running 8.5.4) with Optimizely for our A/B testing. We have been running Salient for over a year and are familiar with it. If we activate Optimizely then we observe two symptoms:
1. The "Mycroft in the news" Carousel disappears. The Javascript console shows no errors, but *does* show the notice:
caroufredsel.min.js?ver=7.0.1:15 carouFredSel: Set a width for the items!
2. Previewing posts does not work anymore - instead of the accurate content being shown, the previewed post shows a frankenstein-mashup of the home page. The Javascript carousel shows the following errors:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).owlCarousel is not a function at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (init.js:1716) at Function.each (jquery.js:2) at a.fn.init.each (jquery.js:2) at owlCarouselInit (init.js:1706) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (init.js:4557) at i (jquery.js:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2) at Function.ready (jquery.js:2) at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js:2)
init.js:1958Uncaught TypeError: $that.carouFredSel is not a function at r.<anonymous> (init.js:1958) at r.i.emitEvent (init.js:25) at r.i.emit (init.js:25) at init.js:25
I've attempted the following solutions:
- not using the Optimizely plugin and adding the Optimizely snipped to the header.php Theme file under the meta opening tag
- fiddling with the Optimizely settings to control whether jQuery is downloaded or not with the Optimizely snippet. None of the settings resolve the conflict.
Hi there, thanks for having a ticket submission option and for considering this ticket.
I'm Kathy Reid, I'm the web lead for mycroft.ai, I speak PHP, HTML, Javascript and Linux so you can be very technical in your responses. I have full server root access and am happy to help diagnose and debug.
Our objective is to use Salient (we are running 8.5.4) with Optimizely for our A/B testing. We have been running Salient for over a year and are familiar with it. If we activate Optimizely then we observe two symptoms:
1. The "Mycroft in the news" Carousel disappears. The Javascript console shows no errors, but *does* show the notice:
caroufredsel.min.js?ver=7.0.1:15 carouFredSel: Set a width for the items!
2. Previewing posts does not work anymore - instead of the accurate content being shown, the previewed post shows a frankenstein-mashup of the home page. The Javascript carousel shows the following errors:
I've attempted the following solutions:
- not using the Optimizely plugin and adding the Optimizely snipped to the header.php Theme file under the meta opening tag
- fiddling with the Optimizely settings to control whether jQuery is downloaded or not with the Optimizely snippet. None of the settings resolve the conflict.
Appreciate any guidance you can provide,
Kind regards,
Just a bump on this one, is there any further information we could provide that would be useful?
Kind regards,