  Public Ticket #154781
Failed install of theme update


  • Rachel started the conversation
    Hi, I just tried to install the update to Salient but it failed, with a message saying the style.css was missing. I did notice that the zip file was only 5.1mb whereas before it was 8.3. I downloaded the file from the Themeforest box at the top right. Thanks, Rachel
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Rachel! Yes I compressed the theme size for 3.0.5 because some people couldn't get it to upload through the dashboard when it was over 8mb so I did some cleaning :)

    The missing stylesheet issue sounds like you're uploading the entire download zip and not the salient.zip inside. Please see this in regards: http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/269/0/my-wordpress-theme-isnt-working-what-should-i-do and scroll to the “Common ‘Broken Theme’ and ‘Stylesheet Missing’ WordPress Issues” section

    Cheers :)