  Public Ticket #155092
Team Member - add URL to description tag


  • Dan started the conversation
    I have added a Team Member short code to my homepage for the purposes of using it as a carousel-like feature to preview products. Is there a way to add a link to the description tag? On homepage I have Team Member element with tag as description="READ MORE..." P.S. Don't want to use the social media links as I am using the Team Member element to showcase featured products.
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Dan!

    1. If you're on v3.0 you can use the team member element in the page builder and freely use a standard html link in the description without issues like:

    <a href="http://google.com"> my link </a>

    2. If you want to remove all traces of the social just add this into your custom css box in your Salient Options panel: 

    .team-member ul.social {
       display: none!important;