  Public Ticket #1558457
Row settings


  • KangarooBerry started the conversation

    I don’t understand why row settings asks for a text color and alignment when there seems to be no option to add text? If adding text in a text block, the text block has all the color and font options (so long as you know to hit the toggle button for the second row of options to show). So what does the row’s font settings control? Same question for column. I ask because I’d actually like to add text to a row’s background but I’ve found the background then is limited in height to the height of the text block. Sorry, this is obviously two issues. But yes, how do I get the background to respect the full height of the image while adding just a heading and subheading with animation? 

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi KangarooBerry,

    1) The text color option on the row setting is for use with the transparency header - http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/theme-options/header-navigation/#transparency

    2) The row can only go as far in height as the content on it is i.e. it cannot take up more vertical space unless you add more content to it. There is however the full height option that makes the row go full screen regardless of the content you have in the row. This can be a good header where you set an image as the background for the header and add some text to the row with the full height option enabled.

    Hope this clears things up.