  Public Ticket #155991
Missing Project Categories


  • Mark started the conversation
    Hello Themenectar, I am just about done with my project, but need to create three total project categories (Public / Private / Educational & Health). I have created three pages that will display these (Public / Private / Educational & Health). I added these three as project categories. (If you login, you can see them, I left your account active) When I went into the details for each of these pages, I set the page template to "Portfolio", and also saw where I can assign the page the category I want to pull the posts from. I see categories for Public, Education & Health, and All, but no "Private". I can add as many project categories as I like in the admin page, but only these two ever appear in the list. Can you help me figure out why these aren't showing up? No matter how many I add, I never see more than the Public/Educational & Health/All in the list at the page level to pick which categories to display. -=Mark
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Mark!

    I just logged in on Chrome & Firefox and have confirmed that the category "private" is visible in both the portfolio page layout and the the portfolio shortcode. Are you still having this issue?

    Cheers :)

  • Mark replied

    Hi there,

    Somehow I fixed it.  Not sure how, or why but they started showing up in there.

    Do I need to have posts for a category in order for them to appear in that list on the page where I pick the portfolio template, and the category I want to show?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again! Glad to hear you sorted it :)

    Yes, categories with no items inside won't appear as an option to use.
