  Public Ticket #1562156
Nectar Slider


  • KangarooBerry started the conversation

    It’s very odd: on an iPad, four of my Nectar slides are black whereas on my MacBook Air they render just fine. Why might those slides not be showing up? By the way, all have been formatted to 16:9, which I think is what Nectar wants. Could it be that those slides are larger files and an iPad isn’t prepared to handle them in the same way an MacBook will?

  • KangarooBerry replied

    By the way, just checked and they also don’t render on my iPhone. If there is a file size limitation on mobile devices, what is it?

  •  9,073
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Please have a look at this Article :http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/sliders/ .

    Can video backgrounds play on mobile devices? No – as mentioned in the video tutorial above, mobile devices do not allow autoplaying of videos for data usage reasons. Because the video background option is not meant to be used for information videos (with sound) and rather for videos that serve as a design element (no sound), the video background will be replaced with the preview image you supply.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • KangarooBerry replied

    I”m sorry but I don’t understand why you mention anything about a video background when in my question I don’t mention video? My issue has to do with images on the Nectar slider. I have a slider with maybe 20 images, and somehow there are always one or two of the images that don’t render on my iPad or iPhone whereas they do render on my computer. Then, even stranger, one or two of them drop out of my slider on my computer as well. If there is a maximum number of slides per slider, please tell me. Or your best guess. Thanks.

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    Can you provide a link to your website so we can have a look?
