  Public Ticket #1565167
youtube rel=0 in video player and video speed


  • Caspar started the conversation


    2 questions


    If you use the youtube embed code you can add the parameter rel=0 at the end to prevent it from showing or playing related videos at the end.

    Is there way of preventing related videos when using the video player element?

    For example if I add ?rel=0 onto the end of a you tube url inside the video player it doesnt display


    Is tghere any difference in page performance if I have say 12 videos from youtube using the embed iframe or 12 videos using the video module?

    Thanks in advance


  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Caspar,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    1) It's not really possible to disable that in the video player element. 
    If you need that then use the embed code in the text block element instead as it will allow this modification.

    2) There will be a performance hit because its 12 preview images loading for those videos even when you use the embed code. If you can reduce the amount of videos loading then you should not have that much of a performance hit. A thing to note is that the video does not load until the play button is clicked and also the image load in a lazy load maner from youtube.

    Hope this clears things up.