Can you please check out my site? I am having an issue in the menu section. When I open the page and mouseover the menu it opens, but when I go out of it and try to mouse over it doesn’t open. One other thing is that my media gallery custom link doesn’t work. What I meant is if you go to I want some of these thumbnails to point to custom link when clicked.
if you go to and click to any image their it takes to full image. Its fine for some of them, for some i want to make it when clicked go to the url i want
Can you please check out my site? I am having an issue in the menu section. When I open the page and mouseover the menu it opens, but when I go out of it and try to mouse over it doesn’t open. One other thing is that my media gallery custom link doesn’t work. What I meant is if you go to I want some of these thumbnails to point to custom link when clicked.
Hey S,
Which browser are you testing in as i cant seem to recreate it on my end .
Try using a Single Image Page Element : .
ThemeNectar Support Team
if you go to and click to any image their it takes to full image. Its fine for some of them, for some i want to make it when clicked go to the url i want
Hey Again,
There is a Image Link Option in the Media Library for the Image Gallery : .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Again,
Try using the Force Transparency Option in "Page Header Settings" Metabox . See screenshot : .
ThemeNectar Support Team