  Public Ticket #1577446
Front Page Slider Videos Are Freezing


  •  2
    James started the conversation

    Hello, I'm not sure what happen but a few weeks ago the front page slider videos started freezing. Likewise with the second page slider video. I've uploaded every acceptable video format however nothing work. Please advise!

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    Seems like some sort of plugin conflict. Have you tried plugin compatibility test. Please try deactivating your third party plugins one by one while clearing your cache each time in order to figure out if one of them is causing this.

    Hope this helps,


  •  2
    James replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for responding. I followed your suggestion but haven't noticed a change yet. Are there any other solutions I can try? 

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    I suggest you test your customization on the child theme by deactivating the child theme. See if there's anything on your customization causing this. 

    Let me know how it goes!