Hi there! Loving this theme so far! I am having an issue though with the single testimonial. I see you have different Styles, and I want to use the Big Bold - but I need to decrease the font size a little bit. Tried and failed to do it with css.
Back in 2014 there was a way to do this within the Typography section of the Salient options, but I'm not seeing that anymore!
From an older ticket: " Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4zcxrk . You can do it in Salient Theme Options -> Typography section."
Hi there! Loving this theme so far! I am having an issue though with the single testimonial. I see you have different Styles, and I want to use the Big Bold - but I need to decrease the font size a little bit. Tried and failed to do it with css.
Back in 2014 there was a way to do this within the Typography section of the Salient options, but I'm not seeing that anymore!
From an older ticket: " Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/4zcxrk . You can do it in Salient Theme Options -> Typography section."
Hey there,
Thanks for reaching in,
Please send us a link to your page so we can send you some custom CSS,
Hi there,
You can use this CSS to adjust the font size on that testimonial text:
add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.
Hope this helps.
Great thanks - but now it's too big on mobile :)
Can I get css for resizing it?
Hi there,
You seem to have added a media query to remedy this issue i.e.
Please confirm you are okay with the current solution as the text in not enlarging anymore on mobile view.
Got help to resolve- thanks!