  Public Ticket #1579350
White Screen and Fatal Error after Update


  • Andreas Lenz started the conversation

    Hey there, 

    i already had a ticket for this problem - but the staff closed it - dont know why. 

    My Problem ist very urgent! 

    The problem was, that the Visual Composer didnt work anymore. I recognized, that there are a lot of missing updates, cause nobody installed the envato plugin to update salient. 

    After I updated Salient to the actual version there is just a white screen on the frontend. The hole page gets lost after updating.

    I installed the BackUp now so the page is back. I want to update the Theme and the Pagebuilder. 

    When update Theme: Page in frontend gets lost

    When activate WP Bakery Pagebuilder: Fatal error - no acces to backend, Fatal error message in front and backend.

    What do I have to do, to update the Theme and get the Pagebuilder back to work? 

    Please help me in this point quickly - cause I have this problem since a week now and the support isnt really helping.

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Your PHP Settings are likely not correct. 

    Also ensure you are running the PHP version 7.1 and not 7.2 as it is causing issues .

    You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin called WordPress phpinfo http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-php-info/

    Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

    max_execution_time 60
    memory_limit 256M
    post_max_size 48M
    upload_max_filesize 48M

    Please have your host fix this up for you.


  • Andreas Lenz replied

    Hey there, 

    thanks for the answer. 

    I will get in touch with my hosting support. 

    I hope I can do the Update with new PHP configurations. 

    I will try an update with the new configurations and will get back here if it worked or not. 

    Thanks for helping so far. 

    Enjoy the weekend

    Andy / EIGENARTdigital