  Public Ticket #1579534
category template page


  • kai started the conversation

    hi there,

    i can't find a category template php file in the theme. or an archive php template.

    how does this work? can i just create these files? and if so, how?

    thanks a lot! kai

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi kai,

    The theme uses index.php for those archive pages.

    You can try and modify that or create the individual files you mention and then modify them to what you need.


  • kai replied

    hi andrew,

    thanks for your reply!

    the thing is i have no idea in which way i would have to modify the index.php for that purpose. how would i have to rename the new "archive.php" or "category.php"? are there standard names which are automatically being recognized by wordpress and/or the theme?

    the only change i would add is the yoast breadcrumb code. that is the reason why i need these new templates. i want breadcrumbs but only in the blog part of the site.

    salient really needs an integrated breadcrumb feature i find.

    thanks again and have a nice day! kai

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Kai,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    The copying and renaming to category.php and archive.php would be best.

    Then remove the bits of code that you do not need.
    This is modification of the theme files and its not really covered by support. We are assuming you are able to do the modifications and just need to know the files.

    Hope you can implement this. 

  • kai replied

    hi andrew,

    thanks a lot for your suggestions!

    so just that i understand this correctly:

    the theme or wp would recognise a file named category.php or archive.php in the root of the installation? 

    if so: could i just copy the content of eg. single.php into these files? i guess they won't work when left blank?

    also. could i copy them into the child theme and they would be recognised?

    thanks again! best wishes, kai 

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    You would have to follow the wordpress structure. As far as the template files are involved I'm afraid that end is dealt with the theme developers and not us the the support team. Hence that kind of information is beyond our scope of support.


  • kai replied

    hi andrew,

    thanks for your shockingly fast reply ;)

    but you yourself suggested: category.php and archive.php for naming the files.

    now you don't want to say anything more?!

    i expect the support team having occasional contact to the devs. no? 

    i would be very grateful for some tipps here. 

    thanks again! kai

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Kai,

    Sorry about that but you are aware this sort of modifications are not really what our support entails.

    Nevertheless, we direct you on what you could possibly do.

    The names of those files are what the template hierarchy in wordpress uses to show \ create pages for categories and archives.

    There is are more details on template hierarchy here and how it works. Its a thing - wordpress feature - you would need to understand to do the modifications you want: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/

    Hope this clears things up for you and you actually do the modifications and see if they give you want you want. And again this is not really within what support entails and this is something you would need to do for yourself. 

  • kai replied

    hi andrew,

    thanks for your explanation! 

    i will try and walk on my own from here on ;)

    best wishes, kai