Could you add widgets to the sidebar also in appearance \ widgets - woocommerce sidebar.
Add widgets there please.
And if that does not work update salient visual composer from the current 5.2.1 to the latest that comes with salient 8.5.5 version 5.4.7 salient wpbakery page builder.
Let us know how that goes and we can take it from there.
Hi Guys,
For some reason the shop category and side bar option is not displaying on my website. I have made sure to check it on the Woo menu.
Have attached screenshots.
Kind regards
Hi jonojnz,
Could you add widgets to the sidebar also in appearance \ widgets - woocommerce sidebar.
Add widgets there please.
And if that does not work update salient visual composer from the current 5.2.1 to the latest that comes with salient 8.5.5 version 5.4.7 salient wpbakery page builder.
Let us know how that goes and we can take it from there.