Hello, a website I´m working on has a language switcher. My client wants it apart from the rest of the menu, I added a left margin distance, the problem is with the mega menu. I can´t find a way to eliminate that margin in it because it looks I want to change that left margin to a top margin .
Hello, a website I´m working on has a language switcher. My client wants it apart from the rest of the menu, I added a left margin distance, the problem is with the mega menu. I can´t find a way to eliminate that margin in it because it looks I want to change that left margin to a top margin .
Can you help me?
Thank you!!
Hey Oscar,
Please have a look at this Article :http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/mega-menu/
ThemeNectar Support Team
Sorry I didn´t mean the Megamenu but the Off canvas navigation
Hey Again,
Simply change this : http://prntscr.com/jliqwn .
ThemeNectar Support Team