  Public Ticket #158353
The sub items in navigation


  • Panyagal started the conversation
    I'm using a responsive mode but when I accessed my website using my mobile or tablet, the sub menus didn't show any breadcrumb. Please check out the attached file.
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Panyagal, are you talking about them not having any dropdowns? There's never been any "breadcrumb" support in Salient by default. If you can allow me access to your site so I can bypass your coming soon page I'd be glad to take a further look :)


  •   Panyagal replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied


    I just logged in and sorted it for you - the issue was simply that your accent color is set to black so it got hidden.

    Cheers :)