  Public Ticket #1585041
Menu on portifolio projects


  • Drvoarch started the conversation

    Hello, i have 2 major issues related to the Navigation Menu Transparency.

    1 On my main portfolio page ( http://drvo.com.br/portfolio/ ) The navigation menu is always transparent, even though the in the salient menu the permanent transparent option is disabled, and i cant get it to work with the Porfolio Filter whitout using a divider, wich is causing some issues on mobile.

    2 On single project pages ( http://drvo.com.br/portfolio/espaco-mancino/ ) the nav menu doesnt start as transparent, even when the permaent transparent is enabled. The goal is to get it to start with transparency over the nectar slider element, whitout enabling the permanent transparency in the salient menu, because it messes up all of the other pages.

  •  9,074
    Tahir replied

    Hey D,

    The only way for the Portfolio single pages to be transparent is to use the Permanent Transparent Header Option .

    IF you want to turn off transparency on a Page .

    Try using the Force Transparency Option in "Page Header Settings" Metabox . See screenshot : http://prntscr.com/gjnyit .


    ThemeNectar Support Team