  Public Ticket #1585394
Responsive Heading and Split Line Headings Cut off


  •  1
    pinnaclemarketinggroup started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I am noticing an issue with headings in my two column setup for my image hero. The heading get's cut off on a large scale desktop, and small on mobile. Why is this happening? (See Screenshot) I have responsive headings turned on but they are not scaling down for some reason.

    We are currently in maintenance mode so I will send over a private ticket with admin/login info.

  •   pinnaclemarketinggroup replied privately
  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    Try using the New Responsive Typography Settings in here : http://prntscr.com/gnf951 .


  •  1
    pinnaclemarketinggroup replied


    Thanks for reaching back out. Unfortunately this is not what we are trying to troubleshoot. The issue is that the column on the right is overlapping over the column on the left. Please see screenshot.

    Why doesn't the header scale down before the column oversets? Is there padding options that we can input in the left column so this doesn't happen?

    We need this fixed.



  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Crystal,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    See attached screenshot.

    The text in the text effect element were responsive for us on a macbook pro screens resolution and also on mobile view as you can see.

    Did you manage to work this out or are we missing something because we do not get this issue on our end.
    Please confirm.

  •  1
    pinnaclemarketinggroup replied

    We resolved by scaling down the responsive text for mobile sizes. thanks.