  Public Ticket #159214
Recent Post Excerpt Show Gallery Code


  • Andre started the conversation

    For some reason in the recent-posts shortcode, my gallery posts are showing an excerpt beneath the slider that contains the gallery code. Any ideas how I can get this code not to show? Thank you in advance.


    URL should have been:

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Andre!

    Perhaps this is conflict with the custom css box for the page and the excerpt function - is that indeed your own css you added? If so, please try and keep it in the css box in the options panel rather than the post page itself. If you didn't write that, please allow me to log in so I can check on things for you :)


  •   Andre replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again!

    Turns out the issue was the fact you were using the home template for recent posts instead of the shortcode - I sorted that for you :)
