  Public Ticket #1594442
locotranslate, child theme NO WORKS


  • David started the conversation

    Hi there!

    I have a trouble with locotranslate to change any strings to spanish, simply doesn't work. The wordpress runs with child theme, and all files es_ES.po, es_ES.mo and salienchild.pot are located into themes/salient-child/lang. Locotranslate read and apply without problem... but then, in frontend the changes doesn't take effect...

    Do you have any idea about what happens?

    We are waiting for your answer.


  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi David,

    The translations should carry over to the child theme.

    When the them is using the child theme could you check if the bits of text are still translated in the loco translated plugin area.

    And just to be careful try and translate the text in both the parent and child theme see if there is a difference.
    If not then consider removing that language folder i.e. themes/salient-child/lang in the child theme and check if there is any improvements in this.

    If not then give us access to the backend - username password with admin privileges - we check this from there. Also which bits of text are you trying to translate.


  •   David replied privately
  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi David,

    Apologies for the late reply and issue on this as it seem to be a bug.

    The theme does not work with loco translate at this time.

    You can try and translate the theme using PoEdit and upload the .po and .mo files.

    The theme does provide a .pot file to start this process i.e. 

    salient \ lang \ nectar_salient_strings.pot

    Use that file with PoEdit like shown here https://wpcolt.com/translate-wordpress-themes-using-poedit/
    Hope this helps.

  • David replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Okay no problem, You know... nowadays wordpress brings a lot of conforts, we are very badly used xD!

    I'm gonna do it with poedit.

    Thanks for all! Very appreciate

    Regards from Spain.