  Public Ticket #1595821
Megamenu links colour


  • Romina started the conversation

    I want to be able to change either the style of the hover in the mega menu (so that the text changes colour) or to change the colour of the black box that appears when you hover.

    Thank You

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi Romina,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    Have you tried changing the header color scheme in salient \ header navigation - logo and general styling area? 

    Set that to custom and change that dropdown background color and hover color.

  • Romina replied

    Hi Andrew,

    I have customised the header colour schemes and it doesnt use any of my chosen options. 
    If I choose to have a heading link and then sub headings, the heading will use the colour scheme but the sub headings have a set scheme of their own it seems. If i have just the sub headings again they just use the set one. It appears i can only choose the colour scheme for the main headings and not any sub headings within the mega menu

  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi Romina,

    Apologies for the late reply.

    Could you use this CSS to alter the colors of the sub headings on the mega menu:

    body[data-dropdown-style="minimal"] header#top nav >ul >li.megamenu >ul.sub-menu >li a, body header#top nav >ul >li.megamenu >ul.sub-menu >li a, body #header-outer header#top nav >ul >li.megamenu >ul.sub-menu >li >a, body[data-dropdown-style="minimal"] header#top .sf-menu li ul li a{
        color:red !important;
    body[data-dropdown-style="minimal"] header#top nav >ul >li.megamenu >ul.sub-menu >li a:hover,
     body header#top nav >ul >li.megamenu >ul.sub-menu >li a:hover,
      body #header-outer header#top nav >ul >li.megamenu >ul.sub-menu >li >a:hover,
       body[data-dropdown-style="minimal"] header#top .sf-menu li ul li a:hover{
        color:blue !important;

    add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.

    Change the red and blue to the colors you want.
    Hope this helps.

  •  2
    Mira replied

    Hello Andrew

    Added to css

    body a {
        color: #87bafc !important;

    but the link color has not changed.
    She is in the last line.
    Also, help add underline links.


  •  3,069
    Andrew replied


    Are you still trying to change the megamenu link color? If not please send a screenshot to highlight the link color you are trying to change.

    Kind Regards

  •  2
    Mira replied

    Not. I talked about this link


  •  3,069
    Andrew replied

    Hi Mira,

    You should be able to edit the link from your text editor. Example switch to text mode and use the following. which adds the style attribute for color and text-decoration

    <a href="http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_302527/" style="color: #87bafc !important; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">письме ФНС от 16.07.2018 № ПА-4-6/13687</a>

    Kind Regards