  Public Ticket #1601415
Text with Icon using other icons


  • sousaplex started the conversation

    How can I use other icons that are included in the theme in the element "Text with Icon". I noticed that the theme comes with several icon sets and I was hoping to use one that I found in "Fancy Box" with "Text with Icon". The icon library is Iconsmind and is available in Fancybox but not in Text with Icon. 

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi sousaplex,

    Its not possible to add an icon set to that text with icon element.

    This would need modification that is not something we cover as support.

    The shortcode for that text with icon element is at:

    salient\nectar\tinymce\shortcode-processing.php: line 532 - 557

    You could try and set default values for the icon_type and icon on line 533

    Hope this helps.