I've got a problem with the SEO Plugin by Yoast and Salient Theme. As I can see from the theme you used the wp_title not for a but the taxonomy headings (such as Archives and Categories).
My problem is that the whole page heading () is now shown exactly like the page title ().
Normal page heading (in that case a second h1) in my opinion would be "Photography Archives" for example, but it is like "Photography Archives | Name of the page | Name of the site".
So the page heading is exactly the same as the page title.
Can I do something about this? The theme doesn't seem to accept anything else but wp_title in that heading. What else could I use instead of wp_title?
Kind Regards,
Salient doesn't actually use any title for default pages, but if you're referring to the blog taxonomy pages like this: http://themenectar.com/demo/salient/category/food-for-thought/ it should still show a different title in the page header vs the site page title (as seen in the URL the page header is Food for thought and the title is Food for thought | Salient) - If you wanted to swap the wp_title for something else it would require a bit of custom development to be able to show the title correctly for various types of archives without making new templates file for each. A basic solution would look like:
Hey Sabine,
Salient doesn't actually use any title for default pages, but if you're referring to the blog taxonomy pages like this: http://themenectar.com/demo/salient/category/food-for-thought/ it should still show a different title in the page header vs the site page title (as seen in the URL the page header is Food for thought and the title is Food for thought | Salient) - If you wanted to swap the wp_title for something else it would require a bit of custom development to be able to show the title correctly for various types of archives without making new templates file for each. A basic solution would look like:
Cheers :)