I'm working on our new company website. On our homepage we're using the portfolio add-on from the salient-vc. But for some reason the images are cropped in different ways and the grid becomes a mess. The only way the grid displays correctly is when the Item spacing is set to default (none).
I found out that certain items are cropped wrong. For instance, my Wide&Tall block is 814x814px but my two wide blocks next to it are 814x427px, which is 20px to high. Can you please help me, because I can't figure out what is the causing this...
As for the cropping try and pick a masonry item sizing that best fits the featured image aspect ratio in general of that portfolio item. If the image is taller then use the tall size, if its wider then use wider.
Hi there,
I'm working on our new company website. On our homepage we're using the portfolio add-on from the salient-vc. But for some reason the images are cropped in different ways and the grid becomes a mess. The only way the grid displays correctly is when the Item spacing is set to default (none).
I would like my portfolio grid to have the same spacing as displayed on this demopage http://preview.themeforest.net/item/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme/full_screen_preview/4363266?_ga=2.88941656.296211447.1529585047-988113391.1521797731
With kind regards,
Davy de Jong
Hi there,
I found out that certain items are cropped wrong. For instance, my Wide&Tall block is 814x814px but my two wide blocks next to it are 814x427px, which is 20px to high. Can you please help me, because I can't figure out what is the causing this...
Hi Davy,
The link from themeforest does not link to a specific page - http://preview.themeforest.net/item/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme/full_screen_preview/4363266?_ga=2.88941656.296211447.1529585047-988113391.1521797731.The demo sites are here http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-promo/#demos
As for the cropping try and pick a masonry item sizing that best fits the featured image aspect ratio in general of that portfolio item. If the image is taller then use the tall size, if its wider then use wider.
And if that does not fix this then regenerate thumbnails using the regenerate plugin i.e. https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
Hope this helps.