  Public Ticket #161775
CSS class not working for rows inside another row


  • Gradinar started the conversation
    Hello, just bought the theme and I think I’ve found a bug: Basically If you have a row in which you have a second row (example a row with four columns) the custom CSS class name (that you insert via the visual composer tab ) of the second row doesn’t seam to work. Although the cutom CSS class name appears when i switch from visual composer to clasic editor. But it doesn’t show up in the live preview version, tried using firebug to look for the class name but no luck. I've attached an image of the visual composer layout. All the custom CSS classes work, including the ones inside the row.... except the CSS class for the row itself which is nested inside the main row, more precise the row with the 4 column text blocks. Thanks!
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Gradinar!

    Download this: themenectar.com/fixed-file.zip and overwrite the existing file in your theme with it. The directory to put it in is nectar/nectar-vc-addons

    Cheers :)

  • Gradinar replied

    Thank you for the fast reply, downloaded the zip file but it appears to be empty. Can you check it out and maybe reupload.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey, sorry about that!

    Reuploaded - did it correct it for you? :)

  • Gradinar replied

    Hey Nectar, just tried it and unfortunately still having issues.

    Uploaded the file,ovewrite the old one, but now once I enter a custom CSS class and hit save...it doesnt save.. it remains empty.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey - the input name needed to be changed so any old css classes you had on the nested rows should be gone, but new ones should save correctly and appear on the front. I tested this in a few scenarios - is there anyway you could allow me to log in so I can see what's going on?

    Cheers :) 

  • Gradinar replied

    Hey nectar, due note that I have tones of custom CSS classes in there so hopefully not all of them will reset since it would be quite problematic to remember all those classes since at the moment it's a single page website.

    Also if you could help me center that logo so I would have the logo centered and 3 menus on the left and 3 on the right that would be extremely helpful. Im happy to pay your to get that done since it's been a pain.

    Well here are the login info:



    url: http://graddinar.com/wp-admin


  • Gradinar replied

    Found another bug Nectar, the page CSS tab (upper right part of the screen) from the portfolio pages doesnt work, the CSS entered isn't been read. I have to enter the CSS via the salient tab, General section. Probably the stylesheet isn't linked or something like that. 

    Hopefully you could help me with these 2 issues since at the moment they are stalling my website development/launch.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again :)

    1a. I've tested the row class in the nested row holding the milestones, I added "test-class" and it saved correctly and added itself on the front. Unfortunately the old classes had to be removed as a by product of the fix since the issue was simply that the input name was incorrect so now that I've changed it to the work the data is no longer present for it.

    1b. Unfortunately I am totally swamped with work to the point where I can't accept any freelance gigs - but if you need modifications done you could head on over to microlancer which is a service from Envato that offers paid WordPress customizations. I'm sure a developer on there would be able to wrap this up for you :)

    2. I've tested your css on the portfolio page and it does indeed work correctly. On this project i've added a rule to bring the body opacity down a bit and as you can see it works: http://www.graddinar.com/portfolio/modern-loft-interior/ The issue you're having is that all of your rules are incorrect:

    header-outer top {
    background-color: #fff !important;

    should be

    #header-outer #top {
    background-color: #fff !important;


    .projecttitle .h1 {
    font-size: 80px !important;
    font-weight: 500 !important;
    color: #336699 !important;

    should be

    .project-title .h1 {
    font-size: 80px !important;
    font-weight: 500 !important;
    color: #336699 !important;


    Cheers :)