1) For the infections, could we see a report of that please like a good write up of what is detected and what s the threat? The theme by the way is pretty secure and if there are any alterations to the functions.php file then they would have to be made after you installed the theme. That might also indicate they were accessed by someone else and altered through another route.
2) For the minification plugin being old, you can try and use a different one as there is a large number of regularly maintained minification plugins available.
Sure, files were infected after theme installation. Still dont know how I got infected. I clean everything, so dont have any report for you. Was some js code in few php files.
I would like my money back.
You template has a virus or are compromised and we cant use.
Attach print screen
maratoninternacionaldepanama.com is the website
Hi ge3000,
Refunds are handled by envato and you can start the process here http://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new
Hi Andrew,
I also have infections in theme files.
functions.php etc.
I deleted also WP Better Minify, its being more than 2 years ald now.
Its possible your server got infected .
Please have a look at this Article :http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-install-and-setup-wordfence-security-in-wordpress/ .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks, I am working on it. So you think that WP Better Minify is safe?
I miss that plugin already:)
Hi Marcin,
1) For the infections, could we see a report of that please like a good write up of what is detected and what s the threat? The theme by the way is pretty secure and if there are any alterations to the functions.php file then they would have to be made after you installed the theme. That might also indicate they were accessed by someone else and altered through another route.
2) For the minification plugin being old, you can try and use a different one as there is a large number of regularly maintained minification plugins available.
Sure, files were infected after theme installation. Still dont know how I got infected. I clean everything, so dont have any report for you. Was some js code in few php files.
If all this happen again I will send you report.
Thank you