  Public Ticket #162680
Random order of Projects displayed / multiple images / accent color overroll


  • Daniel started the conversation
    Hey there! First off, great Theme, very well documentated and easy to handle for a newbie like me. I have a few questions: 1. Is it possible to have a random order of the projects displayed? If so, how to do it? 2. How can i get multiple images into a single picture-frame? i would like to have like a slideshow in one frame ... 3. Is it possible to show another picture when moving the cursor over an image? 4. Can i change the transperancy of the accent color overroll? 5. How can i get rid of the Word "ALL" shown on the Portfolio Page up left? see the screenshot ;) Thank you!!
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Daniel, I'm glad you're enjoying the theme!

    1-3. Unfortunately these items would require some custom development as there's nothing in place to assist with them in the theme. If you need any of these items now, please consider checking out microlancer as I'm sure a developer on there could help you out :)

    4. Open the init.js file located in the js folder of your theme and search for "work-info-bg" to end up at the right place. Now just change the value for opacity in this:

    	'opacity' : 0.88

    5. Yes, add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel:

    #portfolio-filters-inline #current-category {
       display: none!important;
