I'm experimenting with the video background in my Nectar slider and I was wondering what the optimal export settings are for an .mp4 (for instance). My current video is pretty choppy, so I'm wondering what specs I should consider exporting at to try to get a smoother video run.
Also: I had to take the nectar slider down from my homepage because it doesn't always load the video - sometimes it's just a gray background. Any ideas about that?
I'm experimenting with the video background in my Nectar slider and I was wondering what the optimal export settings are for an .mp4 (for instance). My current video is pretty choppy, so I'm wondering what specs I should consider exporting at to try to get a smoother video run.
Also: I had to take the nectar slider down from my homepage because it doesn't always load the video - sometimes it's just a gray background. Any ideas about that?
Thank you!
Hi there,
You can try and get those export specifics in this video - http://43eb74ada891f0f09679-c04bb4ac5bb47a13c85d2a60607693e6.r18.cf2.rackcdn.com/compressed/mountains2_converted.mp4
It's the one used on the homepage here on one of the demos - http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-frostwave/
The general idea is to keep the video small. The video might not always load because it take a while to load.
Hope this helps.