  Public Ticket #1629150
Google analytics not tracking desktop visits


  • sbiddo started the conversation


    i have a big problem. Google Analytics, which was added into salient theme settings, is not tracking desktop visits for some reasons, only mobile.

    I am going nuts over this because the analytics code is actually in the page source but it is simply not tracking any desktop user on my analytics dashboard.

    Can you please help?

    Thank you

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in and sorry for the frustrations caused,

    Please login to your analytics dashboard and try the real time stats while browsing via your desktop. Please let me know how this goes,


  • sbiddo replied

    That is exactly what i did.

    I see visitors only if i browse the site through my smartphone. I see nothing if i browse through my PC.

    Can you help?

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    I can see the Tags being added in the Desktop version as well: http://prntscr.com/k1yrsv . Try adding the analytics code via the Theme Options Panel and check .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • sbiddo replied


    that is what i did already, take a look


    If i use Google Tag Assistant on Chrome i see this


    I honestly don't have a clue of what is happening

  •   Tahir replied privately
  • sbiddo replied

    But why should it be out of your scope? I have added the script in your theme and it is not tracking the visits.

    Why should i contact a freelance for this? It's a pretty standard request, i am not asking for any customization.

  • sbiddo replied

    Plus it is working on the mobile version and not on the desktop version, so there must be something right?

    I can give you access to my dashboard

  • sbiddo replied

    I deactivated ALL the plugins and still not tracking anything on desktop version.

    So it's not even a matter of plugin conflicts.

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching in,

    I'll get the theme developer to look into this. In the meantime you can get his attention here https://themeforest.net/item/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme/4363266/comments


  • sbiddo replied

    Sorry, there was a problem on my google analytics property and now everything is working

    thanks again