  Public Ticket #1633382
Page submenu


  • evanvanwolfswinkel started the conversation

    Dear support,

    For a website I would like to use the page submenu function for 3 sections (rows) on a page. These sections are in the center of the page (there are 7 sections/rows in total - first 2 intro rows (top section), and 3 rows for which I would like have the submenu (center section) and then 2 rows to close the page (bottom section)

    The submenu now nicely appears when scrolling down and the center section is found. It also perfectly sticks above the center section. I would like however that the menu disappears if you scroll over the bottom section.

    How to 'hide' the sticky submenu when you scrolled past the center section?

    Thanks in advance.

    Cheers, Evan

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Evan,

    The theme does not have a feature that would help with that and you will need to use some custom CSS and Javascript to get it to work the way you want.

    Sorry we could not help further with this.