  Public Ticket #1633616
Header Nav


  • James started the conversation

    Hi there,  i notice my header layout has an extra character that shouldn't be there.  It looks like a upside down this: |U   I have tried different layouts but it remains and when viewing the domain address on a mobile device it seems to show two menus.  Please advise.




  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi James,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    If you made any modification to the theme files please reverse it.

    If you have added code to a place like salient \ general settings - css script related area then check if you have made a mistake for example added an extra tab character in front or after the google maps API key. The character would not be visible but will give an effect similar to the one you have on the site right now.

    If all this checks out then check your plugins i.e. disable all except salient wpbakery page builder and see if there is any improvements on this and if not then respond with temporary admin access - username password with admin privileges - we check this from the back and try to get to the bottom of it.


  •   James replied privately
  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi James,

    Sorry but the extra character was the issue from your previous message and it not there anymore.

    If the presence of the hamburger menu was the issue then you should be able to remove it by disabling the off canvas menu in salient \ header navigation - off canvas navigation - off canvas menu - set that to off.

    That will now hide the hamburger menu on desktop.
    Hope this clears things up.

  • James replied

    Andrew, you are the MAN!  I knew it was something simple I was overlooking.  The IT rule still applies i learned years ago. "90% of the time the USER is the problem".  Thanks man.  You guys are the BEST!

