  Public Ticket #163479
Off center logo and nav menu


  • ANDRE started the conversation
    Hi everyone, I need your help to achieve something like the attached mockup. A full screen slider image and a logo and transparent navigation menu ON TOP of it and OFF CENTER to the right. How can we do that with your wonderful theme...? Many thanks, Andre
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Andre:)

    Here's the transparent menu mod you can enter into your custom css box in the Salient options panel:

    #header-space {
       display: none!important;
    #header-outer {
       background-color: transparent!important;
    #header-outer.small-nav {
       background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9)!important;

    I'm afraid the center logo mod would require some custom development though.

    Cheers :)