  Public Ticket #164811
BUG: Comments Meta Link / Social Buttons


  • Robert started the conversation

    From any of the blog layouts, there is a meta link for the comments of any given blog post. Obviously, if you click on the comments link, it will jump to the bottom of the post directly to the comments so you can either read the comments or add one.

    If you click on the comments link from any of the blog layouts and then scroll up to the top, the social/share icons do not display in the same manner as if you simply clicked on the blog title/featured image. Although the icons are displayed, the numeric values beside them are not. Hopefully this makes sense.

    I've attached screenshot slices to try and show what I'm referring to as well as tested this on numerous browsers/systems.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Robert, thanks for pointing this out :)

    The bug is related the the # in the url (some of the social sites don't allow you to share URLs with that in them so the script halts in retrieving the count) Will look into possible workarounds for the next release :)


  • Robert replied

    Makes complete sense - hopefully a workaround is possible.