You can find the list of string in "dirty / lang / nectar_salient_strings.pot" file next to "msgid" variable as below.
msgid "Leave a Reply"
msgid "Cancel Reply"
In the "Text Domain" field write "salient" without quotes. If you are trying to change the words "woocommerce" in "Text domain". The fields are case-sensitive meaning "next project" and "Next Project".
3) Add this to your existing CSS box located in your browser. that syntax error would be all the way to the frontend):
Comment laisser afficher l'icône panier même quand il est vide.
Pour la recherche sur le site comment changer START TIPING ... ?
et comment le rendre plus petit est discret ?
Sans qu'il efface le menu en décaler en dessous ?
Hey C,
1) Unfortunately there is no such option available.
2) Try using this Plugin: .
You can find the list of string in "dirty / lang / nectar_salient_strings.pot" file next to "msgid" variable as below.
In the "Text Domain" field write "salient" without quotes. If you are trying to change the words "woocommerce" in "Text domain". The fields are case-sensitive meaning "next project" and "Next Project".
3) Add this to your existing CSS box located in your browser. that syntax error would be all the way to the frontend):
4) Try changing the Mobile Menu Breakpoint in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Navigation Section .
ThemeNectar Support Team