  Public Ticket #1655259
Panier d'achat et recherche


  • CLEMENT started the conversation


    Comment laisser afficher l'icône panier même quand il est vide.

    Pour la recherche sur le site comment changer START TIPING ... ?

    et comment le rendre plus petit est discret ?

    Sans qu'il efface le menu en décaler en dessous ?


  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey C,

    1) Unfortunately there is no such option available. 

    2)  Try using this Plugin:  https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/  . 

    You can find the list of string in "dirty / lang / nectar_salient_strings.pot" file next to "msgid" variable as below.

    msgid "Leave a Reply"
    msgid "Cancel Reply"

    In the "Text Domain" field write "salient" without quotes. If you are trying to change the words "woocommerce" in "Text domain". The fields are case-sensitive meaning "next project" and "Next Project".

    3)  Add this to your existing CSS box located in your browser. that syntax error would be all the way to the frontend):

    # search-outer #search input [type = text] { 
        font-size: 22px! important; 

    4) Try changing the Mobile Menu Breakpoint in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Navigation Section . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team