  Public Ticket #1660407
Help with tightening up homepage, Custom Header & Text Block


  • Mach started the conversation

    Hi Support,

    Two things, 
    1 - I have a custom header
    2 - I have a text box 

    Both of these are on my homepage, prime area that I need to tighten up, especially for the mobile viewport. 

    See attached.

    Can you direct me or give me some custom CSS I can play around with the variables.  

    Idealy, I would love to have Salient use different font sizes in this viewport.

    Regardless, at the very least, I would want to adjust line height and of the text block. (The custom header lets me adjust font and line height in the Salient Studio)

  •  3,068
    Andrew replied

    Hi Mach,

    We just responded to a some what similar ticket about the same font size issue on mobile. We recommended you remove or leave blank the font size option on the custom heading element to allow for proper scaling.

    Try that and if it does not work as you want then try this CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 690px) {
            font-size:28px !important;
        div.wpb_text_column div p{

    add it to salient \ general settings - css script related - custom css code.

    Hope this helps.