  Public Ticket #166506
Changing color scheme of masonry portfolio category bar


  •  1
    Hercules started the conversation
    Hello! I would like to change the color scheme of the (currently gray) category bar on my portfolio page. I would like the background to be white like the rest of the page, and the font to be the orange/blue/gray scheme like on the rest of the site. How can I achieve this, and where can I input the proper color codes for each element? Thank you so much for your help. Great theme.
  •  1,101
    ThemeNectar replied


    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel:

    body #portfolio-filters-inline ul li a {
      color: #FCA534!important;
    body #portfolio-filters-inline {
      background-color: #fff!important;


  •  1
    Hercules replied

    Thank you!

  •  1
    Hercules replied

    And how can I change all the light gray text (e.g. "Product Type") to a dark gray that matches that of the header? Thanks!

  •  1,101
    ThemeNectar replied

    You're welcome!

    Add this too:

    body #portfolio-filters-inline .container ul li#sort-label, body #portfolio-filters-inline #current-category {
       color: #FCA534!important;
    Cheers :)
  •  1
    Hercules replied

    Thanks a ton, you guys. A+ support.

  •  1
    Hercules replied

    All of this was undone by the upgrade to 5.5, even though the custom CSS code is still there. Please help!

  •   Hercules replied privately
  •  9,120
    Tahir replied

    Hey, Change "#portfolio-filters-inline" to ".portfolio-filters-inline" . The id was changed to class so you have to use dot now.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Hercules replied

    Thank you so much, Tahir.

  • Aditya replied

    I\'m having the same issue and I\'m not able to change the color of text


    Tried all of the below.

  •  9,120
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Change the color scheme for the filters in here : http://prntscr.com/94gais .


    ThemeNectar Support Team