Hello! I would like to change the color scheme of the (currently gray) category bar on my portfolio page. I would like the background to be white like the rest of the page, and the font to be the orange/blue/gray scheme like on the rest of the site. How can I achieve this, and where can I input the proper color codes for each element? Thank you so much for your help. Great theme.
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel:
Thank you!
And how can I change all the light gray text (e.g. "Product Type") to a dark gray that matches that of the header? Thanks!
You're welcome!
Add this too:
Cheers :)Thanks a ton, you guys. A+ support.
All of this was undone by the upgrade to 5.5, even though the custom CSS code is still there. Please help!
Hey, Change "#portfolio-filters-inline" to ".portfolio-filters-inline" . The id was changed to class so you have to use dot now.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you so much, Tahir.
I\'m having the same issue and I\'m not able to change the color of text
Tried all of the below.
Hey ,
Change the color scheme for the filters in here : http://prntscr.com/94gais .
ThemeNectar Support Team