I am hoping that you can help in getting rid of the space that I seem to have on my posts. It is between the page header background and the post itself. It is VERY annoying! I have tried just about everything I know to do and have also spent hours reading through other peoples similar questions, but to no avail. I know it's probably something super easy, but it evades me... Can you please help?
I've attached a couple images with arrows pointing to the space that I am referring to.
I am hoping that you can help in getting rid of the space that I seem to have on my posts. It is between the page header background and the post itself. It is VERY annoying! I have tried just about everything I know to do and have also spent hours reading through other peoples similar questions, but to no avail. I know it's probably something super easy, but it evades me... Can you please help?
I've attached a couple images with arrows pointing to the space that I am referring to.
Thanks in advance
I'm not support agent of this product btw,
but i see your site, your using total of 60px padding-top if u cant find where it is on page builder setting u can use a Css
paste this on custom css:
body.single-post.material[data-bg-header="true"] .container-wrap {
padding-top: 0px!important;
-HooMan- THANK YOU! :) That took care of it.