  Public Ticket #167984
Font Awesome


  • Stratsimir started the conversation
    Hi guys, I'm using multiple domain plugin to show one website with 2 domains. The original install is at http://restaurantenaialanzarote.com/ and the second domain is http://www.restaurantenaia.com/. Actually the second domain shows the theme without the Font Awesome icons. Do I need to somehow include in the css file an absolute address or what? Thanks!
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied


    Some browsers don't allow fonts files to referenced from other domains for security reasons. You'll need to change the address on the second domain to match that of the second domain and not the first. This might have to be a question to pose to the plugin developer depending on how much control you have over that from your end.

    Cheers :)

  • Stratsimir replied

    Well, thanks anyway.