Help - I've a bit of an odd one. I'm using the single page functionality, and its cutting off the bottom frame, which is larger than a single screen, plus not showing the page footer (e.g. the scroll doesn't work). The bottom frame contains a masonry blog).
This happens in Chrome and IE.
However, if you expand one of the panels in the frames above, it works fine.
Both settings are set as per your screenshot. I've got scrollbars on the other frames, and the footer appears if you expand one of the accordion boxes and then scroll down, so I guess its not that.
Help - I've a bit of an odd one. I'm using the single page functionality, and its cutting off the bottom frame, which is larger than a single screen, plus not showing the page footer (e.g. the scroll doesn't work). The bottom frame contains a masonry blog).
This happens in Chrome and IE.
However, if you expand one of the panels in the frames above, it works fine.
Any ideas how I can fix?
Hey Again,
Try adjusting these options and check : .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hi Tahir,
Both settings are set as per your screenshot. I've got scrollbars on the other frames, and the footer appears if you expand one of the accordion boxes and then scroll down, so I guess its not that.
Spooky! I just reset the settings to hide overflow, and then reset them to use scrollbars, and the site seems to be working now!