  Public Ticket #168576
title portfolio link, sticky header secondary outer, margin right home page


  • elsa started the conversation
    Hi, I have a few problems... I hope that you can help me. 1) On the portfolio 4 columns, I've tried to enable to click on the title to go to ”more details” page, i wrote you on theme forest comments and you told me to write my code

    in the nectar/tinymce/shortcode-processing.php but is not working... :S the url of my page is http://dolsallibreta.com and the password is proveselsa 2) I want to disable sticky menu, and I've put this on my code #header-outer { position: absolute!important; } that I saw on the comments but the #header-secondary-outer is still sticky.. I've tried to put #header-secondary-outer { position: absolute!important; } but then a strange space on the header appears...can you help me? 3) sorry for so many things :( last one, in the home page, there's a margin on the right that I don't know why is there, because is the only page that has this margin. thanks for your help and your awesome theme and support. elsa
  • elsa replied

    Hi, I wrote to slider revolution support for number 3 issue, and they told me that probably is because I'm using visual composer. I know I can use php method for home slider, but the other rev slider that I'm using in the midle of the page I don't know how to do it with php method, and I can't use nectar slider neither fot it, because if I use rev slider and nectar in the same page, the rev slider goes wrong... i don't know what to do about it.


  •   elsa replied privately
  • elsa replied

    Hi, can you help me please with the header-secondary-outer that won't be sticky and to put a link on the tittle portfolio?


  • elsa replied

    header seconday-outer is now fine, with position abolute :)

    is only left the link on the title portfolio...


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Elsa! I apologize for the delay - it's worth noting that every time you post a new comment before I respond your tickets gets unintentionally bumped to the bottom of my queue since on my end tickets are sorted from oldest to newest in terms of last comment posted. Unfortunately your ticket position was reset 4 times due to the nature of Ticksy by commenting on it before I saw it.


    Is there anyway you can allow me to log in so I can do the portfolio title mod for you?

    Cheers :)

  •   elsa replied privately
  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey again - I just took care of the mod for you. Just remember to keep track that it's inside of the shortcode-processing.php file located in the nectar/tinymce directory for when you update in the future :)


  • elsa replied

    thank you so much! :)