  Public Ticket #1700826
Adding icon next to menu (fullscreen) if it has sub-elements


  • PriitCool started the conversation

    I have a full-screen menu where I want to add to the right icon (arrow for example, same color as text) if menu item has sub-menu elements.

    Any CSS code to help me out with that?

    Image to illustrate my idea ;)

    Also any php code to add to translate "Back" text?

    And also "Read Article" and "Quantity"

    I dont want to add translation plugin for less than 5 words  ;)

  •  9,082
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    No i am afraid its not possible in the fullscreen menu , Try using the Right Side Style . 

    Unfortunately we dont have and code snippets available .The easiest option is to use the say-what plugin. https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/ . 

    You can find the list of string in "salient/lang/nectar_salient_strings.pot" file next to the "msgid" variable as below.

    msgid "Leave a Reply"
    msgid "Cancel Reply"

    In The "Text Domain" field write "salient" without quotes . If you are trying to change woocommerce words  add "woocommerce" in "Text domain" . The fields are case-sensitive meaning "next project" wont work and you will have to add "Next Project" .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • PriitCool replied

    Thanks for the plugin "Say-What?" This helped me. Although I dont understand why you added few places to translate change text like "Custom Recent Posts Title" but not other needed texts to translate. In total around 10 of them I guess - hope it will be added in future updates.

    Adding arrow next to menu element....you should had told me that add this class: <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i> on menu element what you wish and it works well! Spent too much time searching and looking this option.

    So I recommend adding under articles one point how to add icons to menu elements.

    But thanks!